Friday, March 23, 2012

Just Another Day On The Farm

"[A] group of youth adopted the motto 'I Can Do Hard Things.' They understand their identity, their mission, their source of guidance, and they receive strength through keeping their covenants. They also understand that when they make a mistake, they can change! Satan wants all of us to think that repentance is not possible. This is absolutely not true. The Savior has promised forgiveness (See For the Strength of Youth [2001], 30). Each week, worthily partaking of the sacrament makes it possible for each of us to become clean and pure as we covenant to 'always remember [the Savior], and keep his commandments' (Moroni 4:3). The gospel of Jesus Christ is one of simplicity, and we are given the tools that make the pathway straight and narrow. The way is clear: 'For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light' (Matthew 11:30).
-Elaine S. Dalton

One of the many pleasures of being a full time missionary is the opportunity that we get to help people and to provide service. Lately I have noticed that as I have been providing service, I have really thought about Mosiah 2:17, “When Ye are in the service of your fellow beings Ye are only in the service of your God.” King Benjamin really hit the nail on the head. By helping out the people around us we are able to grow to know God.
            In the midst of service, I have learned a valuable lesson as well as ways that I can improve my own life. Not too long ago I had the opportunity of helping Sister Shirley prune her trees. The reason that we had to prune her trees was because they were overgrown and had a lot of dead wood. The pruning of her trees was not easy and took many hours to complete. It was hard work; it took sweat, patience, and a lot of determination to get rid of those stubborn branches who just did not want to go. There were different challenges along the way, such as the chainsaw breaking. The pruning itself was not over once all the branches hit the ground, we had to exert much more force in dragging, carrying, and kicking the fallen branches to the burn pile.
            This experienced caused me to ponder about my own life and how I can maybe prune some of my own personal trees. Just like with Sister Shirley’s trees, some of mine may be overgrown. Some may have traces of “dead wood.” I know that the path to making those necessary changes (cutting off branches) won’t be easy. It will definitely take time. Cutting off bad habits will take a lot of patience and possibly some tears. Determination is the key in breaking stopping unwanted habits and in bringing my life back in harmony with God’s teachings. I know that there will be challenges; I know that every now and then my chainsaw is going to break. There will be times where I am weak and I need the help of an experienced pruner to fix my mistakes and keep encouraging me. Jesus Christ knows what we are going through. He knows our habits and He wants to help us. I know that when I fall short, He will be there to pick me up, dust me off, and set me along my way. Just like the trees, my pruning isn’t over when I cut them off (stop doing them). My pruning truly is finished when I carry them to the burn pile. My pruning is truly finished when I utilize the Atonement and repent of my sins.
            Brothers and Sisters, I ask you to look at your trees. I ask you to look at your overgrown branches and your personal “dead wood” and get pruning. Rely on the Lord. He is there to help us when we have nowhere to go. He cares for us and for the choices we make in life. God loves you and the gift of the Atonement will always be there for us to use.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking a Stand

"As I contemplate all that you face in the world today, one word comes to my mind. It describes an attribute needed by all of us but one which you—at this time of your life and in this world–will need particularly. That attribute is courage."
-Thomas S. Monson

As a missionary I have begun to realize that courage can take many different forms. Courage can be the way you carry yourself throughout the day. Courage can be standing alone for what you believe even when the world around you points and laughs.
Courage is an attribute that we all must build up to get through this ever changing world.  Challenges around are getting more and more difficult to overcome.  Elder Richard G. Scott has said, "As an exceptional son or daughter of God, you are sorely needed. There is an urgent need for men and women who will stand for principles against the growing pressures to compromise those very principles. Men and women are required who will act nobly and courageously for what the Lord has defined as right, not for what is politically correct or socially acceptable. We need individuals who have the spiritual, righteous influence that will motivate others to enduring good." Let us take up courage, let us be strong in our morals, and let us set an example to all those who seek to do wrong.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kneel Just A Little Longer

"Will prayers that do not demand much of your thought merit much attention from our Heavenly Father? When you find yourself getting into a routine with your prayers, step back and think. Meditate for a while on the things for which you really are grateful. Look for them. They don't have to be grand or glorious. Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one's voice. Thinking of things we are grateful for is a healing balm. It helps us get outside ourselves. It changes our focus from our pains and our trials to the abundance of this beautiful world we live in."--Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Improving Our Prayers," Liahona, Aug. 2004, 18

One of the many blessings that we know of in The LDS church is the power of prayer. Talking to our Heavenly Father is something that we can do everyday of our lives. He wants to hear from us. He wants to know what we are going through. He wants to help. I know that prayers are answered and that simple questions can turn into faith builders. I also know that saying the same thing over and over is easy to do. As a missionary, I pray all the time. It is very easy to get into a groove of saying the same thing over and over. Hearing the same song on the radio is kinda fun at first, it's new and oh so catchy. But as it gets played several times within the hour it begins to get old... fast. I don't believe that God will get annoyed with our prayers. I know that he wants to hear from us and even if it's the same prayer He is glad that we are talking to Him. But as I have prayed more and more. I have realized that I have so much to be greatful for. I have a body, I have the health that allows me to do the things I enjoy, and I have loving family and friends who are always there to support me. My invitation is to not be so redundant, to think, to enjoy your time you get to talk to God. That time is for you. Listen, words don't always have to be said, silence is okay. I am greatful for my opportunity to pray. I am thankful for God's love and His concern with my life. Let us all pray and really gain a testimony of its power.